
In Finance, professionals drive strategic financial planning and maintain organizational financial health. Audit International connects you with roles in financial management, reporting, and analysis, tailored to your skills and career aspirations. Our financial experts play a critical role in decision-making processes, budgeting, and financial forecasting. Find your next Finance role with us, where your financial acumen makes a significant impact.

Read our Blogs


Switzerland and Singapore: Prime Destinations for Auditors and Expat Workers

Explore why Switzerland and Singapore are top choices for auditors and expat workers. Discover the unique opportunities, quality of life, and professional growth these countries offer.

How ESG will change who you work with

A new focus for Audit International and our clients is ESG. But there is one thing all of us are perhaps not considering as much : ESG’s impact on the workplace.

Dynamic skills required by Internal Auditors for Public Speaking and Presentations

Discover essential public speaking and presentation skills for internal auditors. Learn how to communicate effectively, engage audiences, and overcome common challenges in our comprehensive guide. Ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their auditing presentations.